126 COUNTY ROAD 4605 BOYD, TEXAS 76023
CALL OR TEXT 405-255-8417

Hello and welcome to Rut Country Taxidermy!
I don’t want to bore you with a long bio so I’ll make this quick. You’re here to look at mounts and pricing so let’s get on with it.
I started doing taxidermy as a hobby for myself, friends and family in the fall of 2008 and early 2009. With the help of word of mouth, RutCountry.com and social media I was able to go full time in November of 2013. Less than two years later my wife, Lea Ann was able to join me full time in the summer of 2015.
Since then we have dedicated ourselves to providing quality taxidermy mounts with reasonable turnaround times to north Texas and beyond. We like to get them back to you fast but not so fast we don’t provide the quality we demand from ourselves. Taxidermy is art and good art takes time.
Please enjoy looking around on the site and if you need a price you can’t find don’t hesitate to call or text.
If you need help caping your trophy or directions to the shop call us. If you are looking to book a hunt please give us a call. We can help with domestic and international hunts.
Call or text – (405) 255-8417
Calls only – (940) 441-2197
Email – RutCountry@yahoo.com
Rut Country Taxidermy
126 County Road 4605
Boyd, TX 76023